Getting started

Getting started example🔗

This small example shows how to move the fist steps using the BLASFEO API in BLASFEO. The example can be downloaded here

Let us start with the includes

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <blasfeo.h>         // all BLASFEO headers

The main program and some definintions

int main()

    int ii;  // loop index

    int n = 12;  // matrix size

Create the BLASFEO matrices (in three ways)

    // A
    struct blasfeo_dmat sA;            // matrix structure
    blasfeo_allocate_dmat(n, n, &sA);  // allocate and assign memory needed by A

    // B
    struct blasfeo_dmat sB;                       // matrix structure
    int B_size = blasfeo_memsize_dmat(n, n);      // size of memory needed by B
    void *B_mem_align;
    v_zeros_align(&B_mem_align, B_size);          // allocate memory needed by B
    blasfeo_create_dmat(n, n, &sB, B_mem_align);  // assign aligned memory to struct

    // C
    struct blasfeo_dmat sC;                                                  // matrix structure
    int C_size = blasfeo_memsize_dmat(n, n);                                 // size of memory needed by C
    C_size += 64;                                                            // 64-bytes alignment
    void *C_mem = malloc(C_size);
    void *C_mem_align = (void *) ((((unsigned long long) C_mem)+63)/64*64);  // align memory pointer
    blasfeo_create_dmat(n, n, &sC, C_mem_align);                             // assign aligned memory to struct

Populate BLASFEO matrices (in two ways)

    // A
    double *A = malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
    for(ii=0; ii<n*n; ii++)
        A[ii] = ii;
    int lda = n;
    blasfeo_pack_dmat(n, n, A, lda, &sA, 0, 0);  // convert from column-major to BLASFEO dmat

    // B
    blasfeo_dgese(n, n, 0.0, &sB, 0, 0);    // set B to zero
    for(ii=0; ii<n; ii++)
        BLASFEO_DMATEL(&sB, ii, ii) = 1.0;  // set B diagonal to 1.0 accessing dmat elements

    // C
    blasfeo_dgese(n, n, -1.0, &sC, 0, 0);  // set C to -1.0

Perform the multiplication C = 1.0*A*B^T + 0.0*C

    blasfeo_dgemm_nt(n, n, n, 1.0, &sA, 0, 0, &sB, 0, 0, 0.0, &sC, 0, 0, &sC, 0, 0);

Print result

    printf("\nC = \n");
    blasfeo_print_dmat(n, n, &sC, 0, 0);

Free memory and return


    return 0;
